Lebanese American University

Facilities Management FM

Plan, Build, Operate and Maintain

Collaboration amid lock-down

The spread of COVID19 has led to unprecedented measures, from restrictions to complete lock-down, the challenges we are all facing keeps piling up.

Not having to commute beyond your kitchen, living room or small home-make-shift-office may be tempting; jumping to the fridge for a snack at any time or getting to stay in your pajamas day in and day out might sound like a dream come true, until it isn’t! The challenges emerging, almost every day, are remarkably and increasingly apparent. From family and private life distractions to the fluctuating electricity and Internet connectivity outages or reliability, the LAU’s Facilities Management team, like most collaborative work environments, is now rethinking its ways of working and managing different aspects of the daily tasks, which, in the not distant past, required hands-on approach, close followup or physical inspection and presence.

Understanding, accepting, and supporting one another, as a team has been FM’s recent “work environment” inter-crossing between, the remote, the virtual and the local environments. Specific situations and needs are catered for, as we all re-arrange our work and personal lives and face the current stressful phase.

To keep things on cues, and in tandem with the-almost-daily small teams’ meetings, an informal virtual meeting for the whole FM team recently took place; it was an opportunity to quickly go over business matter, but mostly to catch up and attest to the team’s fellowship, friendships and updates, as we constantly look forward to resume our “normal” working days with excitement and hope for better days.

Collaboration amid lock-down - LAU Facilities Management

Last Updated: February 22, 2021

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