Lebanese American University

Facilities Management FM

Plan, Build, Operate and Maintain


Photo: Graduating Class Of 2020 - Olive Tree Memorial Sign

Photo: Joseph G. Jabbra Gymnasium entrance signage, Beirut

Photo: Riyad Nassar Central Administration’s entrance signage, Byblos

Photo: Joseph G. Jabbra Library entrance signage, Byblos

Photo: Joseph G. Jabbra Gymnasium entrance signage, Beirut

Photo: Architecture Hall main entrance signage, Byblos

Photo: Architecture Hall secondary entrance signage, Byblos

Photo: Student Center entrance signage, Byblos

Photo: Graduating Class Of 2019 - Olive Tree Memorial Sign

Photo: Graduating Class Of 2019 - Olive Tree Memorial Sign

Photo: Indoor Signage, Dr. Zahi Hakim Museum, Chagoury Health Sciences Center

Photo: CHSC interior signage - Office of the Dean of School of Medicine

Photo: Outdoor Signage, Adnan Kassar School of Business

Photo: Signage with back lighting, Frem Civic Center

Photo: Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury Health Sciences Center wall signage

Photo: Tomorrow’s Leaders, class of 2015 memorial signage

Photo: Adnan Kassar School of Business wall signage

Signage informs people of their surroundings and helps them navigate from place to place from a functional standpoint; signs identify places and indicate our way-finding principles.

Signage Services include the design, determination and inclusion of text and symbols as part of the university’s identification, way-finding and information. We prioritize:

  • Clear and consistent graphics, typography and message
  • Consistent placement of signs across campuses for maximum effectiveness

Each type of signage follows specific design guidelines.

Exterior Signage

Exterior SignageExterior signage helps visitors and the community find buildings and locations on campus. Exterior signs promote a consistent identity and help ensure a positive first impression of the university.

Interior Signage

Interior SignageInterior signage provides way-finding information to ensure the safety and security of the campus’s constituents and visitors, including individuals with disabilities. Interior signage includes guidelines for room name signage, restroom signage, core building signage, elevator signage, stairwell signage, emergency exit signage, accessibility signage, etc.

Donor Recognition Signage

Donor Recognition SignageRecognizing donors is an important way for LAU to express its deep gratitude and show supporters how their generosity helps foster excellence. Interior and exterior customized signage design is done at the request of the Development Department according to the set guidelines.

Commemorative Signage

Commemorative SignageCommemorative plaques, which are historical and/or memorial in nature, are distinct from donor plaques. Many commemorative plaques at LAU identify the site of a former LAU building (e.g., Sage Hall, the oldest building).

Memorial Signage

Memorial SignageIn considering memorials to students, LAU favors approaches that honor the student’s contribution to the community and continue that legacy for others. Memorial signs for benches, seats, programs, or other landscape elements are prepared upon request; installation is completed in coordination with the requesting department.

Signage Maintenance

Signage maintenance includes updating signs when requested further to relocation, change in functions, repair, etc.


Request a signage service via the online service request.

Last Updated: October 15, 2020

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