Lebanese American University

Facilities Management FM

Plan, Build, Operate and Maintain

Byblos Campus Master Plan

Photo: Executed Central Administration building (2019)

Photo: Proposed Central Administration building (2010)

Photo: Executed Library Building (2018)

Photo: Proposed multimedia library & student center (2010)

Photo: Executed Engineering Laboratories and Research Center (2017)

Photo: Proposed Engineering Laboratories and Research Center (2010)

Photo: Proposed new school

Photo: Proposed university research city

The Byblos campus extends LAU’s presence to 35 kilometers north of Beirut. It is situated in the hillside Blat district, overlooking the ancient city of Byblos (Jbeil) and the Mediterranean Sea. Six times larger than the Beirut campus, the site has developed steadily since its inception in 1987 to include 19 buildings hosting all of LAU’s seven schools. The Library and Riyad Nassar Central Administration buildings, are the most recent additions.

Plans for the years ahead include new academic, research and administrative buildings, a library and student center, a sports center, and a small forest.

Last Updated: March 14, 2020

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