Lebanese American University

Facilities Management FM

Plan, Build, Operate and Maintain

Space Planning and Management

Space Planning and Management

Space is a scarce resource; this “ALWAYS THINKING” space planning process presents the way we work to maximize space efficiency and effectiveness for the objective of meeting the University space needs.

All LAU facilities and buildings are potential resources that can be managed for the benefit of the entire university. Space planning and management is an integral component of strategic planning.

Five components are necessary for effectively managing space and planning for future space needs: Space Planning, Space Guidelines, Space Utilization, Space Allocation Process, and Space Inventory.

Space Planning

Space is a very visible, relatively permanent, stable, and finite resource. Space creation is LAU’s largest single capital investment. Integrated space planning is a vital prerequisite of effective capital planning and implementation of the Campus Master Plan.

Space Guidelines

The Space Planning and Management Unit has developed institutional space allocation guidelines. Space guidelines mandate ranges of net square feet (NSF) for different types of space, based on functional categories. The standards are based on national norms and take into account current trends. They also acknowledge the historical allocations, many of which were driven by building configurations. The standards are used to program new buildings, renovate existing buildings and project our space needs over time.

Space Utilization

Space Allocation and Utilization is a resource for addressing difficult and multi-dimensional space issues and implementing decisions so that LAU can utilize its physical resources as flexibly and productively as possible. Our buildings and facilities provide a place and an environment crucial to achieving our institution’s multiple missions.

Space Request

What is a Space Request?
A Space Request is the official method by which a unit asks the campus for additional space, change in function, or any internal relocation.

When is a Space Request required?
A Space Request is required whenever:

  • a unit wants to add to its current space assignment and has exhausted all other available options
  • there is any change in space function
  • there is any internal relocation

Can a specific space be requested (i.e., specific location in a building)?
Yes, but there is no guarantee that the specific space requested will be the solution recommended.

Can a Space Request be submitted for space occupied by another department or unit?
No. However, we contact departments and to negotiate exchanges and/or transfers of their assigned spaces.

How long does the Space Request process take?
This depends on the space requested and university priorities. If there are space and cost implications associated with the specific request, it will be addressed to the Central Facilities Committee as the square footage required to meet demand is many times more than the available square footage.

How do I find out the status is of a Space Request?
For information about a pending Space Request kindly write to spacemanagement.pr@lau.edu.lb.

Space Management

Space Planning and Management conducts a facilities inventory to update the function, occupancy and responsibility for all spaces. The goal is to maintain LAU’s space inventory which provides relevant facilities information on issues concerning space requirements. This measurement of campus capacity is the benchmark for enrollment-based expansion and renovation. We analyze the impact of enrollment growth in relation to campus capacity and advise campus administration on space use, provide feasibility studies, and recommend plans and policies for space utilization.

Space Allocation Process

The assignment and allocation of space often presents many unique challenges. Some of these include a finite amount of space, competing needs for limited space resources, renovation costs, complexities of developing plans and executing physical changes to facilities, multiple stakeholders and requests, disruptions due to relocations, and emotional ties to space. To learn more, see the Space Allocation Process (PDF - 0.28MB).


Please use the online service request form to submit all moving and relocation requests.

Last Updated: July 9, 2020

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