Lebanese American University

Facilities Management FM

Plan, Build, Operate and Maintain

Disabled Access (ADA)

Photo: “Do Not Block” access sign (Beirut)

Photo: Accessible parking and accessibility ramp, underground parking (Byblos)

Photo: Accessibility ramp, Main Gate (Byblos)

Photo: Accessibility ramp, Tohme-Rizk

Photo: Accessibility ramp, underground parking elevators (Byblos)

Photo: Accessibility ramp, Chagoury Health Sciences Center

LAU follows international standards from the earliest design stage of new projects in order to guarantee buildings and grounds accessibility,  offering an equal learning opportunity for physically challenged people.

Campus Accessibility Plans

Facilities Management provides accessibility plans that give students, faculty and staff a clear idea of the location of accessible buildings and grounds on both campuses Beirut Campus (PDF - 6MB) and Byblos Campus (PDF - 4MB). The accessibility plans are also used for ease of identification of elevators, external elevators and ADA toilets.

Last Updated: March 3, 2020

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